WEEK 2 - Improving The Basic and Learning Characters

 Today, I got to practiced all the strokes for writing Chinese Character. There are 8 different strokes ; dian, heng, shu, pie, na, ti, gou and zhe.

It might look easy, but I find it a little difficult. For example, for dian it is not really a stroke, it is a few dots and must not be too long. Anyway, I'll keep practicing until I can't get it wrong.

Until then.


______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________

 For today, I recap what we have learn in class for initials. I also did some note on the constructive principles of the Chinese characters liushu 六书. There are 6 type of constructive principles ;

1- xiung xing -  picture character
2- zhi shi - symbol character
3- jiajie - borrowed sound character
4- xingsheng - sound + meaning compound character
5- zhuan zhu - Re-clarified compound character
6- huiyi - meaning + meaning compound character

I also watched some videos on Chinese character provided by laoshi 老师 . Some word for example the character tree 木, when combined together can form forest 林 and etc. 


______________________________________________________ DAY 3_____________________________________________________

In class today, we learnt about Chinese characters. We also learnt the type of strokes in Chinese writing as well as the Constructive Behaviour of chinese characters.

The lao shi 老师  provides the class with a little homework on Pinyin characters. We need to identify the strokes used and how many strokes in the character as well as the sequence of writing.

So with a little help of a very useful website, http://www.archchinese.com/ , I did the above exercise in only 10 minutes.  Although I'm still far from understanding Hanyu.


______________________________________________________ DAY 4_____________________________________________________

So every week I'll post up 15 new vocabs in chinese that I learnt. And for this week, these are the words that I pick up;

1. 勤劳 qinlao - hardworking
2. 下 xia -  above
3. 上 shang - below
4. 母亲 muqin - mother
5. 经理 jingli - manager
6. 发现之 faxian zhi - find it/discover
7. 处理之 chuli zhi - solve it
8. 放下之 fangxia zhi - go for it/put down on it
9. 分手了 fenshoule - break off
10. 学生 xuesheng - student
11. 学院 xueyuan - faculty
12. 土 tu - earth
13. 王 wang - king
14. 学 xue - learn
15. 大学 daxue - university

 Thats all for this week's vocabulary, till next time.



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