WEEK 4 - I Really Need Some "Coffee"

For the 4th week, we study on how to ask for coffee, how to suggest and comment and we improve on our greetings. We learnt how to ask for someone. I was absent during this class, but I did my self study. For example,

Q : Qing wen, laoshi zai ma?
      请问, 老师在吗?
      May I ask, is the teacher here?

A : Duibuqi, wo bu zhidao
      I'm sorry, I don't know.

Q : Mei guanxi

We also learn how to ask for direction. For instances;

Q : Qing wen, chuangyi duomeiti xueyuan zai nar?
      请问, 创意多媒体 在 哪?
      May I ask, where is the Creative Multimedia faculty?

A : Duibuqi, wo bu zhidao
      I'm sorry, I don't know.

Unfortunately I do not attend this class so I can't give any direct answer to the question above. So in exchange, here is a screenshot of email that I sent to the laoshi 老师 in which I insert a few Chinese characters in regard with my situation.


______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________

In today's class, we learn how to comment and suggest using the character zenmeyang 怎么样。We also learn how to pronounce today, yesterday and tomorrow in Mandarin.

The word zenmeyang 怎么样  menas how. In the context of asking a comment, the word must be put at the end of the sentences. For example;

Q : zuotian de dianying zenmeyang?
     Yesterday the movie, how was it?

In which we can answer with multiple answers;

i) Very good hen hao 很好 
ii) Interesting you yisi 有意思
iii)  Not bad bucuo 不错

Or we can put the word zenmeyang 怎么样 at the start or middle of the sentences to ask for guidances. Example;

Q : zenmeyang qu MMU?
     How to get to MMU?

We also learnt how to make a suggestion using a simple sentence.By using the word hao ma 好吗

Making suggestion : .......,hao ma 好吗? 

In Mandarin, the structure of the sentences is different than other languages;

1) time + sub. + verb + object
2) sub + time + verb + object

Well, that's all for today. Later.


______________________________________________________ DAY 3_____________________________________________________

As for today, I did some self learning via Youtube to cover the class that I missed. The topic is "How to Ask for Direction" and "Location" in Mandarin. Here are the videos that I've found on Youtube.


I also learnt how to say "Do you need coffee" in Hanyu and also how to mention my faculty in Mandarin.

A : ni yao kafei ma?
     Do you want coffe?

B : wo yao kafei
     I want coffee

C : wo ye yao kafei
     I also want coffee

B : women dou he kafei
     We all drink coffee

As for the faculty, I only learnt how to pronounce my faculty so; wo shi chuangyi duomeiti xueyuan de xuesheng 我是创意多媒体学院的学生 ( I am a student of Creative Multimedia).


______________________________________________________ DAY 4_____________________________________________________

For this week vocabulary, here are 15 new words that I've learnt;

1. 创意 chuangyi - creative
2. 多媒体 duomeiti - multimedia
3. 咖啡 cafei - coffee
4. 喝 he - drink
5. 电梯 dian ti - lift
6. 茶 cha - tea
7. 奶茶 nai cha - milk tea
8. 故障 guzhang - broken
9. 真棒 zhenbang - awesome
10. 这 zhe - this
11. 那 na - that
12. 哪 na - where
13. 太tai - too much
14. 太太 taitai - wife
15. 看 kan - watch/look



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