WEEK 6 - East To West, Home Is Best. Family Is Everything.

As for this week, we learnt about family, and how to tell date, age and say someone's zodiac and also numbers. For today, we learnt about family first. How to tell how many family member and such.

1) How to ask for family member
    - 你的家有几口人?
    - ni de jia you ji kou ren?
    - How many people are in your family?

2) Answering about family member
    - 我的家有五口人
    - wo de jia you wu kou ren
    - There are 5 people in my family

3) Asking who is the family member
    - 你的家有什么人?
    - ni de jia you shenme  ren?
    - Who is in your family?

4) Answering question of who the family member
   - 我有爸爸, 妈妈, 一个妹妹,一个弟弟 和我。
   - wo you baba, mama, yi ge meimei, yi ge didi he wo.
   - I have a father, a mother, 1 older sister, 1 younger brother and me.

I also have a homework on creating 7 sentences on a family tree. Here it is;



______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________

As for today, I focused on how to ask for someone's job. Today's post is going to be short since it is a self-study. Here is how to ask for someone's job.

- 你的做什么工作?
  ni de zuo shenme gongzuo?
  What do you do?

- 我是医生.
- wo shi yisheng.
- I'm a doctor.

We also learn't how to ask for someone's major.

- 你学习什么专业?
- ni xuexi shenme zhuanye?
- You learn what major?

- 我学习汉语.
- wo shi Hanyu.
- I learn Chinese Language. 

Here are some majors or profession in Mandarin;


______________________________________________________ DAY 3_____________________________________________________

For today, we learnt how to ask for date, day, age and also zodiac. Here are some sentences that I leanrt;

As for age;

For people under 12 years old ; 你几岁 ( ni ji sui ) how old are you?

For people more than 12 years old ; 你今年多大了 (ni jinnian duo da le) how old are you?

Asking year born ; 你那年出生 (ni na nian chusheng) what year are you born?

Asking birthday ; 你的生日是几月几号? (ni de shengri shi ji yue ji hao) when is your birthday?

That's all for today. Since there are so many new things that I learnt on this week, I'm just going to post everything in a form of images in the next post.


______________________________________________________ DAY 4_____________________________________________________

Here are everything that I learnt compiled into images. These are also this week vocabs.



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