
WEEK 6 - East To West, Home Is Best. Family Is Everything.

As for this week, we learnt about family, and how to tell date, age and say someone's zodiac and also numbers. For today, we learnt about family first. How to tell how many family member and such. 1) How to ask for family member     - 你的家有几口人?     - ni de jia you ji kou ren?     - How many people are in your family? 2) Answering about family member     - 我的家有五口人     - wo de jia you wu kou ren     - There are 5 people in my family 3) Asking who is the family member     - 你的家有什么人?     - ni de jia you shenme  ren?     - Who is in your family? 4) Answering question of who the family member    - 我有爸爸, 妈妈, 一个妹妹,一个弟弟 和我。    - wo you baba, mama, yi ge meimei, yi ge didi he wo.    - I have a father, a mother, 1 older sister, 1 younger brother and me. I also have a homework on creating 7 sentences on a family tree. Here it is;     Cheers ! ______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________

WEEK 5 - The Week When The Nation Creates History After 60 Years

On this week, there are no class at all due to the historical #GE14. We got the whole week off and since there is no class, I did some self-study. All I did is watch a bunch of Youtube videos. These are the videos that helped me quite a bit. Till then. Cheers! ______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________ Here are the homeworks that laoshi provided us. Since this week there are no class, I decided to finish my works; Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Cheers! ______________________________________________________ DAY 3_____________________________________________________ This post is actually for last week class, but I put it here since I also recap on the topic today. Me and my friend did a voice note using Whatsapp about making suggestion for a sports. Cheers! ______________________________________________________ DAY 4________________________

WEEK 4 - I Really Need Some "Coffee"

For the 4th week, we study on how to ask for coffee, how to suggest and comment and we improve on our greetings. We learnt how to ask for someone. I was absent during this class, but I did my self study. For example, Q : Qing wen, laoshi zai ma?       请问, 老师在吗?       May I ask, is the teacher here? A : Duibuqi, wo bu zhidao       对不起,我不知道       I'm sorry, I don't know. Q : Mei guanxi       没关系       Nevermind We also learn how to ask for direction. For instances; Q : Qing wen, chuangyi duomeiti xueyuan zai nar?       请问, 创意多媒体 在 哪?       May I ask, where is the Creative Multimedia faculty? A : Duibuqi, wo bu zhidao       对不起,我不知道       I'm sorry, I don't know. Unfortunately I do not attend this class so I can't give any direct answer to the question above. So in exchange, here is a screenshot of email that I sent to the laoshi 老师 in which I insert a few Chinese characters in regard with my situation. Cheers! __________________

WEEK 3 - Self Introduction & Greetings

In this week, we start to learn on how to greet in Mandarin. To give you an example of what I've learnt, below is some basic greeting in Hanyu; A : How are you?       ni hao ma       你好吗? B : I'm very good. And you?       wo hen hao, ni ne?       我很好,你呢? A : I'm very good too. Thank you.       wo ye hen hao. xie xie       我也很好。谢谢 B : You're welcome.       bu ke qi       不客气 This is how you exchange conversation when you meet someone. However, if you're meeting someone who is older or much more respected than you, the character 你 (ni) has to be change to 您 (nin) . This is a short video that I find helpful in learning how to greet in Mandarin. Cheers! ______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________ Today, in class we learnt how to do self introduction of ourselves. Mainly on name and nationality. So, I'll introduce myself in Mandarin. 你好,我是Rasul Fikri. 我是马来西亚人

WEEK 2 - Improving The Basic and Learning Characters

 Today, I got to practiced all the strokes for writing Chinese Character. There are 8 different strokes ; dian, heng, shu, pie, na, ti, gou and zhe. It might look easy, but I find it a little difficult. For example, for dian it is not really a stroke, it is a few dots and must not be too long. Anyway, I'll keep practicing until I can't get it wrong. Until then. Cheers! ______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________  For today, I recap what we have learn in class for initials. I also did some note on the constructive principles of the Chinese characters liushu 六书. There are 6 type of constructive principles ; 1- xiung xing -  picture character 2- zhi shi - symbol character 3- jiajie - borrowed sound character 4- xingsheng - sound + meaning compound character 5- zhuan zhu - Re-clarified compound character 6- huiyi - meaning + meaning compound character I also watched some v

WEEK 1 - "Letter to Myself!" & Learning Progress

          WO DE BULUOGE A Xie Xin to myself, Qin ai de Rasul,             Ni hao ma ? I'm writing this to you as in the next following 6 weeks, though it may seems impossible, you will need to learn the basic of the Mandarin. It will be tough, but I believe that you can do it.            There are a few tips in achieving this goal, you will need to read the Beginner Book for Mandarin in order to get used to the basic of the language. And make sure you use the Chinese Learning apps since we are in the era of technology.  Make sure to practice tian tian , okay!  Good luck! 'Wo tiaozhan xue Hanyu'  Best regards, Rasul Fikri 1151102376       Cheers! ______________________________________________________ DAY 2_____________________________________________________ Got to practise some Han Yu today, focused myself on the basic of greetings in Han Yu. 你好吗 Ni Hao Ma     -   How are you 小姐 Xiaojie    -    Mi